When Evert returns home he finds his father Mark afflicted by an inexplicable fatigue. There is something ominous in the family home, something that gradually but surely takes control.

Year of release: 2023

Length: 16’57’’

Genre: Psychological horror

Original language: Dutch

Script writers/directors: Jasper Vrancken & Bert Aeles

Executive producer: Bea Catteeuw / DENZZO Brussels

Co-Producer: Laurent Denis / COOKIES Films

Main cast: Willem Herbots, Johan Knuts, Jonathan Michiels

DOP: Hyun Degrande
Art Director: Katrijn Vanaelst
VFX on set: Rolf te Booij
Game design: Like Charlie
Editor: Jerome Bartholomeus
Sound design:  Jeroen De Meyer
Original music: Pepijn Caudron

This film was produced thanks to the support of the Flanders Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Le Centre du Cinéma et de l’Audiovisuel de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles & the Belgian Tax Shelter.

L’Agence Belge du court-métrage

Brussels International Fantastic Film Festival (BIFFF), Leuven – Razor Reel